Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mainland Nonstop!

This is HK!
She is FAST and scores!

You see her T-shirt....need we say more?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Phew! Moments to relax!!!

Phew! moments to relax!!! So our fabulous publicity firm FYI PR is helping us prepare our foray into the world of swagger!!!After a long day of "getting funky but needing to stay cool" we were advised to "get it together" said the wonderful Wunderlich!!! So, she sent one of us as a guinea pig to this pretty cool spot called John Allan's. Its a grooming/unwind spot for men who have been either heavy "on the street" (shout out to Ralph Giorgio) or movin' and shakin' keepin mankind from behind bars!!!
(God bless Xavier Donaldson!)

Any way since we fall right in between those poles we felt we have the wherewithal to step up and get down with the wind down!! And wind down we did!! Greeted by the ULTRA hot "Bond-like" Lady Carlotta.... Manicures, grown man robes, James Brown in the background, scotch tasting, with a Becks chaser was the start!! We gotta let ya know the initial Carlotta greet would have done it all....but John Allan had more....We can't divulge all of the experience...but what we can really let you know is, John Allan by GCT is what's happnin! And, as all the multinational beauties circulate about they wrap ya up steam you out and get you in complete order with an amazing "please come back again" sexy latina accent!!
I think it's time to go again once we drop this on the blog!!! When we go next, we are gonna feature our man from "the street "RG" stay tuned....
because as we start purveying accentuated swagger to all of our athletes that we teach speed to we will be bringing some of the phewsture stars of sport here to start the process of gettin' grown man, marquis fly!!! All aboard.......
John Allan, First stop to Swaggerville. the way...
Look at the level of Gangsta fly GoGo Al Capone that's goin' on right here!!

Phew! ain't for the faint at heart!

So we have been movin it around over here in the greater tri-state area specifically with our cool Cuban counterpart Joe Espo! from Baseball Plus. First, let us start by sayin' Joe Espo is cooler than an iced up Cuba Libre...y que es el verdad!!

Not only did Joe Espo introduce us to CT. In the most hospitable way....he had us meet some very cool people and talented athletes!!! We will get to them and who they are...but we have to tell ya what stood out amongst all of the standouts is Jose Espo!!! Jose Espo hands down took the cake! Why?? Well Jose planned an escape from a pretty fortified hospital to get some of this good 'ol phewsioneering! Not only did he defy the martial art capable nurses....he persuaded both Joe Espo and "Mama Espo" to allow him to participate with elite baseball cats in a baseball phewsioneering! workout.
Look at him...chillin' and yes that is real work out sweat!! But what grabs your attention more than anything is yep!! Dats right...Jose was workin' out with the IV still in his arm!!! How crazy is that!!
Now that's what you call goin' hard!! Crazy hard!! We knew our Cuban counterparts were off the chain with the "Che" thing and the "libertad thing"....but this is a whole 'nother level!! The IV in arm..
Feelin' faint and runnin' with able bodied MEN in 95 degrees!!! Whoa!!! Jose has big dreams and is quite in serious focus on gettin drafted by MLBA out of Amherst!! So ladies and gents....and
Presbott, if you're reading this, this picture of Jose Espinosa and his will to work is beyond great! Its what makes franchises special and also win! Not to mention the CIA of speed "PHEWsioneering" says Jose Espinosa will be able to run WELL beyond the 6.8 seconds for 60 yards. We won't tell you how fast but we will tell ya, we told ya so!!!