Tuesday, January 3, 2012


They say a picture says 1,000 words. It all started in an airplane! Now, we are always on an airplanes headed to another destination proliferating The Phew and providing athletes motivation! Our goal was to be in homes across the UNITED STATES and on refrigerators, being the subject of many family and athletes' coversations! Well Its going down!

This is my main man Jackson Dominico....He is part of the young boy epicurians of ALLthings cool and ALL things FLY. Jackson is from South Florida..His dad is EL Presidente of the Power Showcase! Jackson got something that will last him a lifetime...He is what we consider....ROCKING THE PHEW!!! Keep Rockin Jackson! It's cool kids like you that will be ONE OF THE PHEW that makes us go.....WORLDWIDE!!! ITS PHEWSIONEERING Y'ALL!!!