Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Fowler Clan

The Fowler Clan...
Usually we feature athletes...their accolades....their feats. This go round..we are featuring The 3 hermanos Fowler that stick together! They have acquired some real slick phewsioneering names!! From left to right we have my man Danny a/k/a "La Cosa Nostra"... BBM...a/k/a Brendan the Business Man, and Jack a/k/a Mr. Bauer. These guys stick together like KRAZY glue!!! Man do they look serious..Must be that million dollar walk we showed them!
We have never seen brothers roll this tight!! And, they also have a 'lil brother who is like the mini DIAPERS!!! They are all multi sport athletes....from a very cool family by the way..Mom and Dad are pretty cool with this battalion of boys!!! These cats have learned the Phewsioneering Operating System and now have come into their own. Reigning havok on Long Island as we type this. First up is Brendan, the olest. He is is off of an ACL tear and he is now running 4.6 for 40 yards! Wassssup..wassssup!!! Dats Right, That's less than 3 mos. and we don't roll everyday! We here at Phew! HQ respect guys that work hard and not only do they go O.D (OVERDOSE) hard! They are coachable like pros!! So...we rock the Phew! handshake...smack...smack..Phew! and say "Fowler Clan....stay lookin live!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Now You see it!

Yes..Yes Y'all!! So now we are getting this Phewsioneering movement up on its feet! What you see right here....Right the nuclear bomb! What you are seeing is seeds coming into fruition! Lets call it the "fruit" "ion" from the flavor tree!!! Up top is the mark that's gonna be on your block like the mail man! That is our logo and what does it represent you say? Well.....those 3 exclamation marks represent the feeling an athlete has on the Olympic medal stand! 1st place, 2ND place, 3rd Place!!!
The feeling is inexplicable. The feeling makes grown men cry! The most dominant...The strongest...The best...oh and of course the one who is Citius! (faster). You feel just like one of those exclamation points!!! So get used to em...embrace them.. become them, because that's how we are putting it down out here!!! The athletes we "make citius" are the ones who make the spirit of the exclamation point a living breathing thing anywhere in the any sport. They represent victory, accomplishment, dedication and hard work!!! So if you are down with all that then get down with us!!! The Phew! This hot (fitted by the way) is for the 100 mile an hour crew....the 2.0 and down ERA crew...the sub 6.6 crew..... And the "superFLY" people out there who need to be functional... fashion forward... And also Believe the fastest is the flyest!

The piece below on our man Staple's head is called "The Marathon Man"...........
We are not concerned with whether the hat is "safe" what we are concerned about is that it has been designed for the serious runner in NY, La, Boston or even better, anyone who needs to get it on in any kind of weather so that they can put a strong 26 together! You may say... "exactly what is phewsioneering!" Well, phewsioneering is you and you athletes who like to be "fly" out are phewsioneering!
Those who fuse the best stuff for speed with what you do in life!!

These joints as the Grandmaster says are for "movin time baby!!" Time to move the phew! Collection into the fast lane! Stay tuned the whole line is droppin' spring 09 BABY!!!!