Friday, February 6, 2009

Food For Thought...Meal of Champions!!!

Many times people ask us "how do you come up with all this stuff we do!". Well, we just basically put cool names to things that have been in existence for more than 60 years. This level of "flyness" (something that makes you go fast), comes from the founding fathers of modern movement. Dr. Walker, Norm Tate, Billy Henderson, John Smith, Lee Evans, Juan Carlos, Tommie Smith...and the dear "Mighty Burner" Larry James.
Legend has it that they were the influence behind the classic disco hit "Do the hustle."
Having had the great pleasure of being a sorcerers apprentices its always good to go to the basics..the original point of we did.

The truth is, initially we created much of the programming for our speed operating system via things that we enjoy in "pop" culture. Reason being there is every intention to be a brand that participates as a player in pop culture so why not get on the same dance floor and hustle with the best of them. While in Cali.. we always need to get our indulgence on. Hell, we work hard enough to keep it officially "Citius" why not indulge!This is one of our undercover Phewsioneering covert operatives. He is Phewsing speed to the skill of the Double Double! Look at the three palm trees to the rear of his hat...Sublime..The exclamationpoints are everywhere!

The stop is the infamous In & Out Burger in the City of Angels.

Always a destination made once where we order the usual. The Double Double with cheese. Of course, with accompanying fries and root beer. Damn right! We usually order it when leaving UCLA's Ducky Drake stadium after a nice bout of 150's, 60's and flying wabbas. Lets call it PhewL replacement! Then one day it hit, we need to give a title to these crazy exercises that evoke speed.
Fly guys...Fly girls...
In, Out, Double Doubles were born!!!
(Check the training room on website baby!)
For all those who knows its the Double Double that makes a pitcher close!
There's a Phew! message everywhere!!!
Yeah thats Phew! talk for the unPhewsed! Its the gospel for a Phewsionyte!
See the table of elements here it's what makes champions!

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