Friday, June 27, 2008

Joe Greene, Southside..Southpaw!

Right here is an official world class athlete. His name is Joe Greene. MEAN Joe Greene!!! We were called to come in and touch Joe up for a fight that he was going to have in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hard Rock Casino. We were retained to work on conditioining. What we found is that Joe was fit and went hard but he wasn't and had not been working on speed...for real. We found his capacity to operate anaerobically was OK at best. He adapted quickly and his body took to the work we delivered. We considered him throwing punches just like we came out of the blocks in a race and fired out it's the Same thing as a jab or a flurry of punches. We trained Joe like an Olympic sprinter. His jabbing and sharp movements fall into the world of sprinting. So 100 meter sprint related work is what we laid on him! Muhammad Ali said that running was the reason why he did so well, he LOVED to run. In fact he said that is what gave him the edge in his time of successful fighting! So who better to create speed programming for boxing's fast hands Joe Greene.

Check this out..This is Joe after we worked with him..Yeah that's right Look at Phewsioneering! pugalism knock someone the *&%@$ OUT!!!!!!

Just so you can get an true idea of how its going down..This is Joe before we got to him.This is a clean knockout..The fight we trained him for he knocked out the guy in 2 minutes!!

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